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Shram Suvidha Portal

Shram Suvidha Portal

Shram Suvidha Portal facilitates businessmen to get all kinds of registrations and submit returns that are required under labour laws at a single online window. It also makes available to them the inspection reports prepared by the enforcement agency inspectors online. The procedures have been simplified; returns and registration forms have been unified to provide a business environment that encourages compliance by reducing transaction costs and promoting ease of business.

Shram Suvidha Portal was launched on 16 October 2014.


The objective of Portal is to consolidate information of Labour Inspection and its enforcement. It will lead to transparency and accountability in inspections. The compliances would be reportable in Single Harmonized Form which will make it simple and easy for those filing such forms. The performance will be monitored using key indicators thus making the evaluation process objective. It promotes the use of a common Labour Identification Number (LIN) by all Implementing agencies.

Services offered

  1. Provides information on applicable labour laws
  2. Know your LIN - Government of India plans to do away with all employer codes being issued by separate labour enforcement agencies such as ESIC, EPFO, CLC(C) and DGMS etc. by replacing them with new Labour Identification Number (LIN). If your unit has already been allotted a LIN then please verify the information associated with your LIN.
  3. Verify and modify information associated with LIN
    • To use this facility, Employer/ Establishment Representative need to be registered at Shram Suvidha Portal, if not registered then signup at portal.
    • The establishment representative must represent the LIN verified establishments at Shram Suvidha Portal.
    • The user may search LIN through ‘know your LIN’ option. If establishments LIN already exists user need to link the LIN with establishment by choosing ‘Link Establishment’ option at left side menu after login.
    • If no LIN exists, user must create owned/represented establishments and request LIN from them through 'Establishment' option at left side menu after login.

For detailed help document, click here.

Source : Shram Suvidha Portal

অকোনবা শেমদোকখিবা : 3/1/2020

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